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Trust Your Intuition; It Knows Where It's Going.

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

Six Reasons Why You Should Just Go For It!

Connecting and cultivating a strong connection with your intuition can take you places.

We all have some type of intuition. You can call it a feeling, a sense of “knowing,” or even your gut feeling. And if you are able to listen to it, it can help you make these important life-altering decisions. While some people chalk tuition up to an old wives tale or just a “feeling,” scientists and researchers have been looking into this idea of intuition and found that it is real and that it really can help you make decisions.

Sadly, most of us have disconnected from trusting our gut and let the imagined unknown specter of failure rule our lives. It causes us to discount and ignore our connection to our true Self. Isn't the journey to find yourself all about trusting the universe to be your guide?

I like the term deep gut, which John Koenig defines in his book The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows as "a resurgent emotion that you hadn't felt in years, that you might have forgotten about completely if your emotional playlist hadn't accidentally been left on shuffle." Music fans will understand this reference.

Tip #1 - Life Is Short

Duh. Everyone knows this, but do we ever really stop to think about exactly what that means? With every moment, we are moving further away from the place of our start and closer to our inevitable change, aka death. Live, damn it.

All you who seek the way,


Do not waste this moment now..

Tip #2 - It's NOT All Or Nothing

If you try and fail, it's not the end. More is learned in failure than in immediate success.

Tip #3 - Forget What Other People Think

The world is replete with naysayers and detractors. Don't let their fears, anxieties, and ignorances project on you. Faith in yourself ourstrips everything.

"In the struggle between yourself and the world, second the world." – Franz Kafka

Tip #4 - You Can Do This. Repeat.

Yep, that's it. Now say it again, this time a bit loader.

Stay on your path - whatever that is for you.

Remember that Buddha stayed in meditation for six long years; Bodhidharma faced a wall for nine. These ancient masters were just like you - not gods but simple humans.

Tip #5 - Doing What You Love Makes Success More Possible

Doing something that brings you down is a straight road to Bummerville. Reconnect with your hobbies like making music, baking, working out, and writing. If all else fails, try something new outside of your comfort zone - that's where real transformation begins.

Tip #6 - The Universe Rewards The Brave

Maybe everything that frightens you is something helpless that needs your love. Is that something inside of you? Be brave. Ordinary people cannot disrupt the cosmic order of things, but it protects those that seek.

Don’t Forget to Enjoy The Journey

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About Andrew

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At the age 17, through the guidance of his older brother Chris, he discovered the path of Buddhism. His journey with the practice has taken him across oceans and deep within himself. As a Zen bodhisattva, he works towards helping others find their own path without reward.


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